Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Back to the Imles?

I promise
It’s been a year since I last posted anything on this site. Am I losing interest in family history? No. In fact, that’s the problem. I keep getting sidetracked on other projects. But I will get back the Imle book. I promise.

Wedding of Gottlieb Imle and Clara Schroeder (center), 15
June 1904. Left: Eugene Miller and Anna Imle (not yet married).
Right: Adam Imle and an unknown woman, possibly Clara's
sister Ella, but not Adam's wife to be, Olive Geisert.

Today I got an email from a great granddaughter of Anna T. Imle. (Does anyone know what the “T’ stands for?) Anna was the youngest daughter of Christoph Frederick Imle, who founded the Wabash Valley Imles. Anna was born 28 Aug 1884, after Christoph and Anna Maria (Reichert) Imle had arrived in America. I always called her and her husband Julius Eugene Miller, “Aunt Anna and Uncle Eugene,” even though they were really my great aunt and uncle. Aunt Anna died when I was only twelve. Eugene, a quarter century later.

"Imle" Women, 1916, L to R: Kneeling: Clara Schroeder Imle,
Anna Imle Miller, Alta Finkbeiner Imle. Standing: Fairy Gard
Imle, Clara Coldren Imle, Ida Coldren Sockler, Olive Geisert
Imle, Maria Reichert Imle (Grandma), Emma Schroeder Kern.

I have two group photographs showing Anna Imle. One is a photo of the bride, groom, and attendants at the wedding of Gottlieb Imle and Clara Schroeder on 15 June 1904 in Terre Haute, Indiana. (Gotlieb was Anna’s brother). The other is a photo of primarily daughters and daughters-in-law of Christoph Imle taken at a family reunion on 18 Nov 1916 at the family home near Ernst. Ida Coldren is neither a daughter or daughter-in-law and Emma Schroeder was the second wife of Christian William Kern, who married Maria Christina Imle, a daughter of Christoph Imle. Maria had died well before this photo as taken.